Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Oh, if you were listening to venerable-as-hell 97 Rock this morning and suddenly heard The Archies's Sugar, Sugar is was way thanks to Yours Truly.
Frequently a listener, I heard that today was Pay & Play with proceeds benefiting Make-a-Wish Foundation.
So, for $50 (matched by Independent Health) YT and the entire Middling City got to hear Sugar, Sugar (a Perfect jubilant tune along with Cherry, Cherry - must be something to the rreeppeeaatt), way off their well-charted rock classique agenda.
I put in the pledge, gave my cc numbers, and then about an hour later I got a call from thee Larry Norton who said he wanted to put me on the air making my request.
There was much laughter and as we were ending our phonecharityLove I said Aw HONEY HONEY and he made another huge laugh burst.
Afterward, he said to 97 Rockers not to adjust their radios and that the entire staff had not been fired again, it was just a charitable gesture via their pal Nance.

Onwards to create pixels south of the MC.

Charitable Love.