Spent the latter part of last night in Liz's garden, drinking white wine as the fragrant lilies towered over us. This after seeing her at an Allentown art opening where I was happy to discover Burke Paterson among the tipplers and lookers. Burke is still tall, wearing trendy t-shirts and making art and living in Toronto. He was very excited to tell me how he just built a second floor into his loft, where his beloved Jet Stream alumi-trailer still holds court.
This is a city of several Middling City festivals - food-related as well as hobby-related. Tonight is the 20th annual Artists and Models, the first-ever I'm not participating in due to gradstudent-related (and travel) constraints. I'll be there as docu-girl.
Off to the sunshined outdoors to see, make and do.
Lead Boy Colleague dropped by to say Hi, he was off to shoot much the same.
Saturday saturnine Love.
Saturday, July 26, 2003
Friday, July 25, 2003
Decided against shooting the Goo Goo Dolls early AM gig here in NYC, thinking (wisely, I believe) to forego that for the bigass Middling City show in August.
Tonight Lead Boy Colleague is shooting Skynyrd for me, for the paper. Fuh-reeh-bird. Having troubles of late with Netscape. Apparently nobody gets my replies so there are whole bunches of people out there thinking I'm a bad replier. So not true.
Back to the Middling City in several hours.
For the usual marathon weekend working.
All for now, time to do some art shooting while the sun is as high as my caffeine level.
Wednesday, July 23, 2003
Finished mere seconds ago an excellent visit with a PSD visiting artist, Antonio Muntadas. Needless to say, since I'm gleeful, he completely dug my work. Even asked for updates on the project. Wants to see the series finished, as in August. Wants it to be a book, suggested its format. Rock on.
Suddenly it's sunny in NYC and I'm committed momentarily, longitarily, with working on the raging elephant that is Dreamweaver.
We are to learn slicing in PhotoShop and apply it to this other software. To make panels. To make do-dads. I want to learn this, really I do, but am not locating the portal in my mind that intuitively grasps onto the 1's and 0's of this technique.
I shoot pictures - digital and analog.
I know that from the innermost beings of each cell in my body.
I do not know Dreamweaver. One day I dream that Dreamweaver will be as in there/in me as the aforementioned.
All for now, 1's and 0's are calling, no. They are screaming Nancy hurry the fuck up and learn us, use us, know us.
They win. Every time.
Sunday, July 20, 2003
Nearly, no not really, time for my Sunday nap afore my jet to NYC/PSD encore. I still have yet to pen a zippola Statement of Intent & Discovery to pledge before the 14 others. Marathon Critique.
This, oddly, is very much the same in grad school as it was as an undergrad, maybe just ratchet up the impassioned opining a bit.
To all who have never been an art student: (scenario)
You are naked in a room, everyone is clothed and eating a snack that they are not sharing. You are doing a handstand and some classmates are very willing to say Hey, neato technique. But one sour apple says something like You know? When I read XXX he said that handstands are mere simulacrum of spectacles of paradigms! You get off your hands. You think for a moment and then jump into a karate kick and then suddenly have sparklers coming out of the top of your head, bright golden showers of sparks.
And you realize this: your art and ideas abso-fuckin-lootly ROCK. And you are willing to share enthusiasm and not brandish the weapon of ego. Re-met my friends' daughter, who I haven't seen since she was 2 or 3. She was NOT impressed until her father and I started doing our bad cop/bad cop sort of routine, regaling ourselves with our most outlandish drunken exploits. Suddenly I noted the barista of the coffee joint where we were standing had on one of those pukashellesque candy necklaces. I asked Do you know what to do with that? She did not. I demanded the necklace and taught her, and the friends' kid, how to shoot the candy off via the clenched front teeth. I nearly took some guy in a cheeseball suit's nuts right off. The kid later, when I was gloating on nearly taking the guy's nuts off referred to them as Two eggs in a hankie. I said Jeesh, thanks, that's an image that'll be haunting me for some time.
When she noted one of my Paul Frank watches on my wrists she really then thought I was okay for an adult, still a shade of youthful mistrust in her eyes.
Hey, go HERE for an interesting diversion, compliments of Reine. An old version of Netscape yielded a most interesting and eclectic collection of bookmarks.
Off again.