One less bar for my next Old First Ward Pub Stroll, some time in April.
This bulldozed structure was - repeat was - McBride's, at the corner of Chicago and Miami Streets.
This was a true tavern, dating back from the mid-19th C, reportedly built as a hotel and then in the speakeasy era it functioned as one of those.
I will recall with a chuckle always how more than one pub stroller, while wending down Miami Street, turned to ask, Are you sure about this, Nancy.
And I reassured with After that little dog leg you will see McBride's, our next stop.
Notez bien that in the photo, affixed to the stop sign is a Spitzer/Paterson bumper sticker.
Irony and icons just turn up in most pixel-rich moments.
Again, to reiterate.
McBride's is long gone.
There are other fabulous, moist brick buildings along Chicago that I hope do not meet the same sad end.
Another image for Your viewing pleasure, one from my ongoing Extreme Trees Series.
Deep-rooted OFW Love.