Saturday, May 26, 2001

I saw a neighborhood kook who had a dead-ringer current event 60-year old Bob Dylan face and I'm not sure she knew it. I didn't tell her. At this moment I'm pondering writing about my feelings about camera-shy and petulant Dylan but will move along. I will mention however that I was asked to dinner at a loose cannon pal's house and she asked me to leave after dinner - after she put on some Dylan and I made a surly comment about the aforementioned. I trampled on sacred terrain.
Planned on having a normal night out last night with friends, dinner and such, and it turned into one of those peer pressurized non-stop cocktail ordering and the haziness of next day memory. As I laid in bed with a most wanging headache at 9AM I wondered (not aloud) what the couple whose wedding I was documenting in about three hours would think. But, being an absolute pro, I was there being my charming usual self.

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