Friday, June 10, 2011

Enthrallment Parfait.

Ryoji Ikeda's The Transfinite               

Another Perfect finding, after a gleaning of what to see in the Shiney Apple.
The walk after looking at Cory Arcangel, of the Middling City, with LauraK, to Park Avenue Armory, to see this lingeringly inspiring work by Ryoji Ikeda, The Transfinite.
What, You may ask, is this.
Sound and image, all engulfing, created by this Japanese sound and vid artist who lives in gai Paris.
Could Yours Truly be jealous on one more single level.
To be Japanese, to be so adventurously large with work, to be living in Paris.
YT, to decompress from experiencing the work on its two sides, had to walk the halls of the armory, and spent some time in a very silent room - the Colonel's Room I believe it was entitled. And, as is the fashion, it was ringed with Colonel portraits, cigar-holding, dire-looking, and in various states of festoonery.
And the most moderne of them all looked sadly out of place with its smooth photo-like-ness.
YT made some drawings, as is my wont, in the comforts of the Whitney's stairwell, a place where YT will draw several more times before it is closed and changes into the Met's stairwell when the Whitney moves to new and rather innocuous digs designed by Piano in the Meatpacking District alongside the proverbial, the potent High Line.
Fantasy Du Jour: another Shiney Apple exhibition in 2012, and one in gai Paris.
Drawings, images in pixels of vid and still varieties.

Varietal Love.