Thursday, January 21, 2010

Toxic White Crap @ Co-Op


Yours Truly, minding her own subset of business at the co-op, was shocked - shocked - to see a mound of mini marshmallows resembling a mound of mushrooms or somesuch other type of mold emerging from a chafing dish.
YT was getting some morning coffee and to the left was this assemblage of toxic sugar crap, an ill-advised topping for sweet potatoes.
YT loves sweet potatoes and would never top them in such a manner.
A little curry powder, yes.

Was contacted today by NN regarding my image of the candlelight vigil at Merge, for usage on the Buffalo Rising site.
Of course I was happy to oblige.
I will be donating a small new piece to a benefit for Merge and the family of the boy who was killed on Monday - an appropriate piece that is, quite literally, about Love.

Also donating to the CEPA auction, as is my historical wont.
This year is the tenth of this biennial incarnation.

Time to make, do, and make much joy via pixels.

Love of Love, Love.