Last night's surprise fete was a treat, the 30th of Robert, thrown by Steve.
Arrived with bottle of champ (bien sur) in bejeweled gift bag and helped three others get things shaped into a party as we debagged 30 candles, cups, plates, balloons, mardi gras-style necklace for Robert, and more.
Following Steve's written instructions, hidden in his apartment, constructed the punch: 1 bottle of Sierra Mist (that kiddie bevvie that Yours Truly had never tried, in part due to its horrific name), some cranberry juice, some orange juice.
So I stepped back and looked at it, a strange orange-pink, bubbling.
I asked the other pre-party helpers if there was any booze. We searched the cabinets and finally found a bottle of good vodka. I dumped maybe a third of it into the punch asking Moriah Did Steve intend this punch to be non-alcoholic.
When a couple arrived I basically insisted that they try the punch.
In part to see if they got a wanging punch of vodka.
They did not.
YT added more vodka.
We hid in the kitchen.
Robert noted that some chairs had been moved and asked upon entering with Steve Hey what's going on, those chairs weren't there.
But he was surprised.
Really, really surprised.
I told Robert his Retaliation Party could happen in March, for Steve's b-day.
When I arrived at the apartment saw Roy & Sionen, Norman & Steve as the latter also live in the same building.
Ahh, the joys of life in the intertwined/interwined Middling City community.
Time to hit a front porch for a coffee gathering before the day's gigs.
Interwined Love.
+ this just in.
Merci beaucoup to NYT for writing up CocoRosie.
Create a Pandora station for same and You will be sans distress, swimming in a curious folkie galloping pool of musings.