Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Was just, scant moments ago, delivered news most shocking and disturbing. Maybe even life-altering.
Over time Sharpies are, according to a colleague, as noxious to a cd as lead paint.
So, what does this mean in this Perfect World.
Well, in a petite nutshell I will tell You.
Come, realistically, September, month of new scholastic beginnings, Yours Truly will be placing all digital files currently on cd's - annotated with Sharpies fercrissakes - onto external harddrives. Conservatively, with a digital archive this size, it will take weeks. This is news one does not want to hear. That all your digital archive is quietly fading into oblivion. Allegedly another, mutual colleague, cannot open up cd's from the dawn of our collective digworld - roughly 1997.
I will never look at Sharpies the same way.
Sharpies, poison seepers.
So, I ask You, what are they doing to the hands of YT, when errant marks mark YT.

Sharpie Dubious Love.

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