Monday, July 12, 2004

Just in case you didn't comprehend that Yours Truly completely, utterly, certifiably rocks I have a few free-wheelin' statements. Of sorts.
1. The review is in and it does not look so good. Of course I do not blog of any art gig or show, I blog of my performance a few weeks ago in the role of wedding date to Mr. Daniels. Heretofore known as Mr. Daniels, he once had another brandishment that shall not be continued.
Yours truly, in true form, schmoozed merrily and you may recall the regale of the story I conjured of me committing circumstantial homicide (just toggle back if you don't know what in heck I'm criminally referring to) and recalling a much previous meet-up with a boy named Obediah.
So Mr. Daniels sends me a letter, one dramatic page, deconstructing what I thought was a fine fine job of role-playing. I had had my nails done and I looked damn good. Apparently, in a gesture of jest, in my sub-role as castmember of the show "The Three Siblings, The 40-year Old and The Gay Guy," brilliant and hilarious and being pitched as I blog to folks at MiraMax, I touched lips with one of The Sibs. Much to the astonishment, the righteous indignation of a gaggle of MidWesterners. And to those of you so in the know, you know how I feel about the righteous. Down with the righteous ones, no tolerance for the intolerant.
Mr. Daniels sent me a check with the letter, payment for a piece of art by Yours Truly which was a most suitable and luxe wedding gift. And to that I say Thanks and Sayonara.
Mr. D says my "impish, rockstar and blogger" ways just don't gel with those of the MidWest. Oh well, other stellar roles and roads await my luminosity in the northeast, the east, the north, the south, the outwest, the northwest and the west.
2. In the throes of working a gig on Saturday, the rooms of the building chilled to ice cream happiness levels (niveaux that is in the country of France), my knee did a wonky snappy thing and now I am hobbling about with a left red knee. While mid-break during seminar Teaching Methods I practiced some good old-fashioned chalk & talk by approaching the green black board and diagramming out the two knees - for comparing, for contrasting. JamMasterV, Madge, Justice Wild Bill, S.S., Phillippe, Pam, Beth (in rockstar ballcap and shades because of a three-day migraine), Yong, Lexie and Lori gleaned much from the kneely psa.
3. My Knife Call bandmates are coming to the Shiny Apple for some music event at Coney Island, with Michael Baumann. To that I say bring on the noise, bring on the funk, bring on the Oban and pass the joie de vivre.

Tales of love, never woe.

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