Thursday, April 01, 2004

first things first to You:
I am the mistress of April Fool's Day, practically inventing it, so do not attempt to swindle, hornschwaggle or misle me today. Thanks for your attention in this matter.

Minding my own business was en route back to the home office hovel for school workings when suddenly, sonically a grand ol' VH song - via radio waves - appeared, so to hear/speak. So I had to keep driving. It so perfectly antidoted the weather that it was necessary to meander along, calculating arrival after the song's last notes hung in the car air. Stopped off at SPoT for an Americano and gave a giant hug to giant Geoffrey, who no longer works at Cybele's and who works the counter of SPoT as well as Goldman's new wine joint, whatever the fuck it's called. We strategized about eating healthily in the Middling City. I pondered that I may have to move across the way way east in order to do so. Signing off with a VH song in my heart and Larry Lessig (link along here to his très informatif blog), Intellectual Property guru, in my mind. And tarlike coffee coursing madly through Perfect Me.
Course of Love.

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