Monday, March 29, 2004

Called upon by more Middling City culturals to make and do, including WomenStories for whom I'll fabricate another art bra. Yup, you read that oso correctement - ARTBRA.
Last year I grabbed (oops, no pun intended, intentionally... or internationally) images of boobs of three gal pals and let me tell You it was a really beautiful creation. Black & white photos, grommetted together with approximately 150 tiny silver grommets then with the separate bra pieces (nearly 20) lashed together with thin red ribbon. This year? Grain elevator boobs/bra. Who can really freakin' say at this juncture.
True Confession:
Now that I have your attention let me tell You how Kerry reminds me of Abraham Lincoln, the president who drew on a shovel with coal alongside his family fars and embers. No, really, this is the confession...
I own two copies of PJ Harvey's Rid of Me. As far as I know this is the only disc whose initial purchase I replicated. Because I love it so much.
If you love someone, do not set them free.
Go out and replicate them.

Replicant Love.

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