Monday, September 15, 2003

As I was logging in to Blogger saw that one of the 10 most recently written to included one entitled Boobs Are Good. Failed to investigate that one.
The men of Blogger are sending all of us Blogger Pro pioneers Blogger hoodies for being such, a very nice treat.
Reine just sent me a very hilarious advert for a tech company, great cgi images of cowpokes herding kitty cats over the plains, wrapping balls of yarn, lamenting their facial scratches from their charges.
Speaking of charges.
Look, whomever granted me those several student loans, I'd appreciate not hearing from you for at least another few years. Why keep sending me paperwork telling me where to address any concerns? Do so in two years, okay? Thanks for your attention in this scholarly matter.
As my 40th approaches, and so does all the charming chaos of change, I remind myself Hey, Baby Poet (and all the other semi-secret self-nicknames) this is what you wanted. HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY.
Time to rock on and chase down the book that mentorJR recommends, The Garden in Ruins.

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