Monday, December 03, 2001

Today I was not a solid rock girl team player.
I completely forgot to meditate at 430PM EST as directed by Olivia, George's widow. Exactly at that moment I was trotting into an office building at the university with my bundle of joy - images made of the mediocre (yet way serious) dance troupe.
George's ashes are to be scattered, it is reported, atop a sacred river in India. The Ganges. I pondered what I will direct others to do with my ashes after I depart for the big photo assignment in the skies.
Idea 1: (nature theme) toss them into the wind at the upper rapids of Niagara Strait (technically not a river) which is the most gorgeous green, my favored color. Then they will swoosh over the Falls into oblivion until they float under the bellies of trout down a few miles in Lewiston.
Idea 2: (rock theme) flush them down one of the hard-working toilets at The Continental, site of many fine memories, where I had my nose broken one time, where I have seen many fine rock shows and where I fell on a bottle and acquired a really impressive leg scar. And where, many times, whilst dancing on the dark and encompassing dance floor, I received fine ideas for art projects. And still do.

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