Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Here he is. Who, You ask. Ridge Lee Larry, fercrissakes, the rodent prognosticator of Middling City U who Yours Truly photographed last Thursday. Note the green grass behind RL Larry. Today the MC is coated in beautiful flakes of wintry goodness. According to RL Larry, who did not see his shadow, spring is a stone's throw. Meanwhile, back at the weathered ranch, down south that is, in PA, RL Larry's mentor Phil did see his shadow. I might add here that Larry is deader than a doorknob, taxidermied if You will, and his chin strap is not under his chin, as he has no chin, but in his mouth. Is this dignity, I ask You.
So JW,Esq., being a big epinw booster, reads my touting of I Will Survive recently and sent me a little QT movie of a JC-looking character (NB: middle eastern, thick-bodied, not a CK-lookin' boy) lip-synching away to the same tune, ultimately meeting a sad end via a big city bus. And he informs me that he's heading to South America. Kennedy and I watched A Fish Called Wanda last night and now I believe JW,Esq., despite the Esq., is running from the law.
Out to a delivery of work, a show&tell of artwork, points beyond.

Signed, sealed, delivered Love.

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