Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Got an email from Harold last night, him musing on his Vegas junket still in progress. He had just watched gondoliers (yeah yeah in quotes) downstairs on the canal, You know, the one under the ever-changing sky sans planes, acid rain, birds and the like. Can one ever think of Vegas without opining about what is real or not. I think not. And I remarked about my two days there witnessing, literally & journalistically, many weddings as Yours Truly would, at most of these affairs, be the sole person in attendance/the audience and would be asked to be a witness. And in the beginning (no, not the word became flesh) I thought it was cheeseball, faux, plastic (well there were many wedding chapels featuring plastic cakes that couples could pose with - for a fee), sad. But gradually I thought This is no less real or fake than any other wedding. As I'm sure some soul singer crooned (I fantastically paraphrase) If it is love and passion then it is like so real, baby, so real.
Speaking of real v. fake and all, YT is embarking shortly to photograph the annual Middling City U engineering student contest of designing and then destroying tiny bridges to see which team can create the strongest fake little bridge. And, as if that were not enough, there is a bonus event - the annual and much-loved egg drop contest whereby engineering students design contraptions and containers to drop eggs and - hopefully - not end up with non-intact eggs.

Faux v. Real Love.

* This just in, from YT.
I heard from my beloved Rio that the sponge candy that I sent down to KY for her and her famille (that would be also-beloved Ron and their two perfect children) was not a raging success. Well, to further elucidate. SHE is enjoying the sponge candy to an orgasmic degree and is actually hoarding it whereas her roomies so to speak do not see what the hoopla is all about, them not originating from the environs of the Middling City. Those from the MC as well as certain corners of Pennsyltucky love les bonbons eponges whereas les autres say what is le grand deal stinké.

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