Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Excerpt from a true exchange.

Jennifer at Righteous Tea House (where no coffee darkens its menu, but is carried in by said Jen, a coffee addict): Dragon Ball, Nancy.
Yours truly: Yes, please.
Dragon Ball, for your information, is not akin to prairie oysters but is a fine Nihoncha, Japanese green tea, dig.
Plus there are no dragons. Just humans who are, metaphorically and behaviourally speaking.
As Irony would have it had to shoot the Middling City U's Wellness Fair and I asked several people manning brochure-strewn tables under festive little tents if they could disunwell me in my hayfebrile condition.
Pissed off an RN by shooting an image of her checking someone's blood pressure. NICE, HEALTHY ATTITUDE, I wanted to say to Nurse Bitcho. I asked for her name and she sneered like I haven't seen in quite some time. She finally gave up the freakin' name. Wanted to turn to her with my most saccharine countenance and say NOW, that wasn't so bad now, was it, Nurse Crabface.
Others were not so cranked-out at the wellness extravaganza. Next to the Soy!-obsessed lady were two people from two very mediocre MC restaurants, cranking out frightening-looking pasta dishes. Soy! lady's lame-o breakfast cereal samples could not compete with that odoriferousness.
Picked up a mini highlighter, a mini flashlight. Why things so mini so beloved at maxi fests, I do wonder.

Maxi & Mini Loves.

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