Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Yours truly has NO VOICE. I am rendered speechless via some sort of laryngitic condition that, as a client just told me, is Going around. Not aware of this rampant voice-related pandemic, I guess I'll just go with that. Laryngitis. Me. Got a call from another client who kept asking Is this a bad time to my Who IS this in my nouvelle speaking squeak. Is this a bad time. Who is this. 3x. Finally she says who in hell she is. Finally I say I am fine, I just cannot speak. We agreed to communicate via email. Jonathan is on his way for a headshot shoot at my joint and I'm sure he'll keep a health conscious distance as did my last gig at noon.
Got a call from Beth Dearest who burst out laughing upon hearing my condition. Now you know how I felt the last time you were in the Shiney Apple she guffawed. Well, I wasn't laughing at you... I guess you are just mean-spirited. Just as well that she couldn't understand me. But she did manage to tell me that she's going on a date tonight and I'm not sure what genre of date it is but as with several other pals today we agreed to speak later. If possible.
Onwards to speechlessness, so not me.

Speech-impeded Love.

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