Tuesday, July 27, 2004

To quote one of my gradschoolmates, the seminar we have on Tuesdays and Thursdays is Dense. I have another few, choice words such as unenjoyable, stultifying, and draggy. La Dolce Vita is being shown at Film Forum and heading there this fine rainy evening is next or so on the list as I've seen it small but not XL. The same unnamed colleague last night at a throw-down at the 79th Street Boat Basin spoke of a nonfiction warning to one in the past to wear Knife-proof earmuffs. I asked for him to repeat the phrase, to make sure that I'd heard him correctly. And it was true and my eyes gleamed with imagistic possibilities, you know, being in a band named Knife Call and all. The Knife-proof earmuff tale involved the cutting off of a man's ear as the offender had spat into another's ear and, to make him an example, his ear was Van Goghed. As I wrote this, on my too-short break from the Dense seminar, I imagined the critical gaze and voice of the seminar leader and how she'd tell Yours Truly how all I'd just blogged was incorrect. And then I'd cite some passages and pages to say Uh, nope, I didn't hallucinate this, see here. If not for all this seminar time Yours Truly would be merrily plodding and trolling the Shiny Apple streets for images digital and beautiful. All for now, time to head back up to 8, to Hell, to the most unenjoyable portion of the summer.
Unenjoyable unsummer unlove.

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