Monday, July 19, 2004

Sometimes, after a foray down deep into gradstudentness, it is time to head to the more swank end of the spectrum. And so, with trusty day assistant, Beth, meandered in to Balthazar for civility - before foraying back again to the curriculum.
Last Friday, en route to the Middling City and at JFK, saw flames on the runway. Like Conflagration art collaborative project style, only bigger, angrier. Flights were delayed. The news trucks were not present but I watched from the elevated walkway the foaming of the fire and the spreading of the fire and the foaming of the fire and the eventual cessation.
Today, en route to school after leaving the MC, had to wait and wait for the A as the engineer ran through a red light, tripping off a chain of alarms that meant extended concern and locked doors and sitting train and worrisome workers.
But still, despite Americano onslaught yesterday, a freelance gig timeline conducted with gimp knee, a stressload that might have killed one less determined, and about 1.5 hours of sleep, managed to be student numero uno at seminar today. Gold stars are shooting out of my ass.
Was nearly capitulated back to Middling City today/tonight to shoot a Kerry/Edwards fun-raiser but, alas, there are not enough schekels in the coffers to have me running back to the 6 to the 4 to the A to the AirTrain to the JetBlue to the Middling City to the gig. Lather, sip coffee, rinse, repeat.

Repeated Love.

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