Friday, January 09, 2004

Look. You hardly ever get a homework assignment via this e-space. And when you do you must admit, fercrissakes, it is fuckin' good for you.
You. Buy. Lost in Translation.
Track 5.
Girls/Death in Vegas. Breathy. Building. Flowing. Inspiring.
Dinner tonight with Christy Rupp, Liz, Cheryl and Kate at Satisfactory Cafe. Liz noted 10oz. glasses at nextdoor table. Waitress warbled out some cheeseball blather about higher end vinos meriting the big gal glasses. That's when all hell broke loose and we tipped the table over and went on a rampage, burning all the cheesey paper products that Satisfactory Cafe places out on their high-class table settings.
Listen to Track 5 of Lost in Translation s/t and get back to me. Oh, do get back to me.
Christy and I discussed this movie. I lurved it. She did not. Her man did. He lived in Japan. I lived in Japan. You live in Japan, you dig the nuances.
I never felt my heart tweak more than in that Sophia movie.
Time for me to edit a video and garner more fame.
I'd love to stay and chat but really. Now's so not the time.
Timely Love.

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