Sunday, September 21, 2003

I put the AHHHHH! in adrenaline.
Last night I attended, late, in rockstar fashion, the well-meaning yet poorly-attended benefit in & outside of Mohawk Place produced by Robby Goo et al from his recording studio, Chameleon West. There I saw The Kid, the model-to-be, and we discussed my pending series with him which went swimmingly until he began tossing in his four or so cents about how he likes to be photographed. From what he described it could not be further from my aesthetic intent, but was interesting nonetheless.
He is, remarkably, one of thee most spatial and unanchored rockstars I've talked to in a long while and thoughts of mine drift to how difficult it might be to pin him to the schedule of a shoot. Onwards.
Off to NYC again later this week to scramble to fix the chaos of the online course.
At last night's wedding gig, deep in the ski hills of an area south of the Middling City, I met a man (with seven wives? nope) who is a self-proclaimed DreamWeaver master. Imagine my glomming, my joy, my tunneled vision that this man will be sitting with me and tossing me a veritable electronic life preserver to make my Parsons School of Design website the beautiful and lush landscape I intend it to be. Actually, this man offered to do just that, in so many words.
And then... and THEN... the kid/model/flakey rockstar also knows DreamWeaver and I thought OhHappyDay things are e-lookin' up.
I was artfully inspired this weekend by these items:
1. chance encounter with a picture book on religions that I picked up ferfucksakes I don't know when and turned Zenstyle to the pages devoted to Zen Buddhism and there on the section's first page was a gorgeous repro of Buddha giving his Flower Sermon, holding up a lotus flower.
2. in the current Art News, in the hoaky piece on ten to watch, there is a piece on Adler Guerrier, a photog who makes images in NYC and Miami - lush semi-peopled landscapes. "The images evoke a playful and fluid sense of transit." and on.
3. in the lav at Cybele's this AM there, at the top of the heap of ancient lexicon, were the exposed endpiece pages, botanical illustrations. For me, clearly. They are in my back pocket, moldering and perfect gems of the green world.
All the above are to be inserted into my journal for artwork's sake.
Grad school. A wild mental ride.
An expensive wild mental ride.
An expensive expansive wild mental ride.
An expensive expansive chaotic wild mental ride.
An expensive expansive chaotic wild mental rock & roll ride.

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