Monday, May 28, 2001

Today, I was a SUMMER GIRL. This exciting transformation of my tomboy self happened at the all-day Kiss the Summer Hello x-travaganza at the triple-A ballpark. I was backstage with all my boy colleagues and concert types and there was a gaggle of true Summer Girls with their red sashes and each had TWO beachballs in her arms. After a while there was a new gaggle - with sashes, and with beachballs. I became a bit jealous and kept saying, a la Veruca Salt, "I want to be a Summer Girl" until one Summer Girl whose time on stage had come and gone said "take my sash and go BE a Summer Girl." So quickly I put that thing on and blended into the new girls, all by the side of the stage. I hung in the back. I told one of my fellow Girls to give me one of her beachballs and she said "No we're supposed to each have two beachballs." I said "Look, I'm trying to blend over here," and turned to another besashed girl who said yes. So we pounced onstage between acts and acted all exuberant, bouncing and screaming before 15K spectators. Then it was time to throw our beachball(s) and the Girls all tossed theirs out in girlie fashion but I kicked mine triumphantly. I loved being a Summer Girl, and three of my boy colleagues documented my triumph over law and order. Of course I had to give the freakin' sash back. The Go-Go's played, by the way, and most of the under-21's HATED them and could not wait for 98 Degrees who were okay, if you like faux cornball romantic sagas between four bandmates and four girls. All in all, a damp day, many laughs with phello photogs and other fellow media hacks.

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