Sunday, December 21, 2003

Allegedly, according to Liz/Editrix, the sighting of my piece which I gave her from the Conflagration series (large photo silkscreens of the twins and burning kitchen etc. on stainless steel), stopped new Albright-Knox Art Gallery director Gauchos in his tracks. Thinking this may be the work to shuttle off in slide format for the upcoming WNY show there.

1. Had coffee with Jen for many hours yesterday. At one point I referred to her pending mother-in-law's home as the Folk Institute. It is one. Where at the tail end of parties people gather together, all hippie-like, and bust out things like hammered dulcimers, lutes, triangles.
Jen dubbed my joint the Alternative Institute, a worthy title. Former doctors' offices/surgery now a home (alternative space), in an alternative part of town (read: Historic Old First ward), filled with alternative music and art.

2. Last night Polly told me she's going to be an animal wrangler for a movie project being shot in and around the Middling City. A great title. We decided that I am a Wrangler of People as I'm damn good at wrangling people into situations that they'd never expect they'd be wrangled into. Examples provided upon request.

Definition love.

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