Friday, September 28, 2001

Next door neighbor of blazing KMart-style lamp called me this AM. She started saying something about the light and I'm thinking it's going to be Sorry that you're getting sunburnt whilst you sleep. But no, it's We installed that light on Tuesday and someone popped open the window again, they didn't take anything. So...nice huge light does no good. Actually, we are both certain the window popper is the post-juvenile hall kid across the street whose home is a study in disaster. Mom with an indeterminate number of children who all look the same - maybe six or seven - mom is a bingo and sex addict and the kids are alone all the day long and don't go to school. Sometimes I look down the driveway and see one of the younger ones running in the front yard, which she's been doing since she started walking. Nobody to keep her away from traffic. So this kid who goes into the building next door doesn't do anything when in there - he's bored. Somehow someone in the house has their shit enough together that they actually managed to hang a few patriotic signs (right-side up) in the windows.

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