Monday, May 14, 2001

Here are some special Nancycentric thoughts from the head of my secret fan club:

Course-o-course I have read your blogspot. All the damned time I read it!
Nearly daily. Daily, I nearly have enough time to write to you. Missive
thoughts are constant but not in cyberspace to you. Hello to you. How can
you/how do you/who allowed you enough time to do what you do and write
bloodspots'? I don't get it. I am beyond impressed. You truly are a goddess!
I praise thee oh Nancy, goddess of all that I believe to be. Zen one who is
chaos in nature but centered with a flow of the wind and stars. And flow you
shall, with the worms lifting the earth to your feet as you walk. No cold
alabaster benches for you bottom, no!!!!! Only love, love, love and, happy
thoughts and, free bowls of tummy love for you. You may rule the world but, I
quit smoking.

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