Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Character - and Character - Analysis.

Character foremost is blazing one of the Middling City, its essence, the thing that makes it unmistakably the MC.
Yours Truly is working on a series, a personal project for possible and probable inclusion in a forthcoming exhibit: Buffalo the Beautiful.
The above image might be in the show - or one like it.
It's an early morning encounter, driving down Elmwood Avenue (this not being the Shiney Apple the downs and ups are not stringently applied - down is south, whereas up is north so a drive from North to Allen, for example, is down and herein YT rests her case), with the sun-shafted bubbles streaming out of the window of Bubble Man who lives at Elmwood and Allen.
As I told Burly Font, this image collection is meant to rustle together some Perfectly positive images of the MC, I mean the Beautiful Buffalo.
BF and I have a tentative date to make images at the same time on a foray into the Grain Elevator District.

A few weeks back YT photographed a man who is a leading international star in the mysterious realm of polygraphy.
Being YT, YT, more minding not only my own business, as is my constant wont, but in that moment the business of mine, the character/subject, the client, and the piece of Haydn playing on the hi-fi as I worked.
Part of the gig of making portraits is finding a means of connecting visually and humanistically to the matter/subject/character at hand so questions and statements and such are bandied about.
Being in the company of a polygraph artist thoughts and questions naturally quickly turned to sociopaths and the like.
Had the character in front of the lens of YT wired up and tested sociopaths, and, if so, how many and did he think that some people were simply born bad.
He claims to have interviewed/tested thousands of sociopaths and other nogoodniks and does believe that some are born with no scruples.
I asked if he could always tell a liar.
And pondered if I had been telling any lies or fibs to this man.
But I had not, so had nothing to fear, like a telltale twitch of the chin, or other somesuch clue.
The polygraph character said No, I cannot always tell if someone is lying.
But the machine, he says, is another matter.
He's rewritten the book, a five-pound book (this is true, wire me up if You don't believe me) about submitting the test in a more effective manner.
YT hopes indeed to never have to be polygraph tested.
By this character, or any.

Love of Character Analysis - 101, 201, 301, or perhaps even 401.