Saturday, August 21, 2004

Remarkably, just as I thought there was no way I could possible feel more rancour towards insurance companies this transpired. Or, more accurately, continues to transpire. Geico is like a leech on my back, between my shoulder blades and I cannot get it off. I called them to say, hmmmm... months ago, You are no longer my insurance co., I have another, we are done, thanks for the memories. So then they report that I have no insurance to the authorities, which is not the case. Calls are made to new insurance co and to the leeches. Now I have here a letter from the State stating Hi asshole you have no insurance and we are about to not only take away yer license but your patience.
Heard from JR, who I had presumed dead. Well no, and let this be a lesson to You, that even mentors need breaks. JR was hiding out, having a proverbial breather.
I am off now to shoot giants in kilts tossing heavy objects in a controlled environment - ie the Scottish Festival and Highland Games. Then onwards to a wedding.
From plaid skirts to synchronized nylon dresses.
Just another Perfect Day.

Love of Perfection.

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