Friday, December 19, 2003

Whilst some believe that the big J is the reason for the season, in my Perfect book it's Mayhem.

Robbie Goo had a C-Mas soiree at his Chamelon West recording studio so I stomped in after my engagement with members of Janet Reno Fan Club, to mingle amongst the rock stars and, apparently, a few fledgling strippers who I referred to all night as Santa's Naughtly Little Helpers.
How they helped:
by galvanizing groups of salivating men,
by stuffing their tongues down throats of unsuspecting girls,
by harassing Tommy, my muse.
!!important update: Tommy is "involved with" said stripper, harassment their metier!!!
And more.
JRFC member Doug and I located a bottle of Grey Goose vodka in one of Robbie's small kitchenettes, which we promptly opened and decanted into our large plastic tumblers.
Later, hearing some Barry White in one of the recording studios, I suggested that some good ol' fashioned bumping & grinding transpire. The smoke machine (or was it the new age smoking fountain/mesmerizing unit) had stopped puffing (like the smokers out in their tent) and the dj didn't keep up the b&g music so that Plan came to a non-sexy, grinding halt.
Snippets of earlier:
* had a conversation with Jim Ramer, the advisor/creative director who finally watched my video creation and made some strong and productive suggestions. The big JR quote:
Shorter, shorter, shorter, elongated photographs.
** spoke with vasectomied pal who suggested that I never get a vasectomy after a night of hard drinking. I vowed that I would not. Visuals from my medically-minded and employed sister's description of the procedure danced in my head.
All for now and now for all.

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