Monday, October 06, 2003

Saw the historical epic Luther with Laura tonight, it starring Joseph Fiennes who at moments looks very much like my pal Justin, who called me moments ago in a tipsy condition as he wandered down a Brooklyn street.
So in the midst of the Luther cinematic experience I'm trying out my new analytical gradstudent skills (Benjamin, in The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction: "While facing the camera he [the screen actor] knows that ultimately he wil face the public, the consumers who constitute the market. This market, where he offers not only his labor but also his whole self, his heart and soul, is beyond his reach." whew, there's some real gradhood for your perusal and edification. You're welcome.), transposing this Luther's story to that of MLutherK, Jr - that lusty nun at the end becomes Coretta Scott King and the men in geometric hats and capes straight out of the Catholic Church costume department represent the KKK and other American Apartheidists and civil rights marchers are peasants et al on Luther's team.

As I finally read the article that Pam sent me, concerned about me always, now I am terrified of eating tuna fish. Mercury. Memory. Mercury. Memory. What was I writing?

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