Tuesday, April 24, 2001

A woman in the car next to me on the early morning expressway was very busy curling eyelashes as I passed her in my car. I did not pass in fear but in pure haste. I am also an auto-multi-tasker and would like to ask all anti-auto-multi-taskers to accept that some drivers are individuals with special skills who can safely accomplish much more than operating car & radio before park mode. In one of my prescribed magazines I saw an ad for a DVD player designed for dashboards (as in for driver and passenger, not a back mini-van seat DVD): the guy in the photo is having someone pump his gas as he watches a scene in which a meta-car is in the midst of a yellow fireball. Apparently intra-car amenities are acceptable as long as they're hands-free. This rankles my driving+cell-phone using self. Even with my snazzy ear piece I have to dial, yikes, and close my phone! But, wait a second, the DVD user has to, like a CD listener, eject, FF, etc. Ban my cell phone and I'll ban your cup of coffee, takeout, and drivesmokes.

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