Saturday, May 24, 2008

Today is a merry string of hours, part of string of holiday weekend hours and days, that are lush, curious, newsy, and productive.

Artists & Models happens in one week exactement so this is a week of amassing props, readying the space I am allotted, making it all drunk/public-proof, and oso much more. Last year's installation by moi was several huge, drywall-panel-sized panels painted and I had a team of workers building bases for the paintings that were free-standing. I believe there were nine panels. Power tools were involved. I burned the tip of my right forefinger after attempting to screw a screw into a drywall panel. After that I left the power tooling up to others.

This inception of A&M Yours Truly is creating a - or recreating a - ward in a mental hospital, a sanatorium, a joint for mind adjusting under watchful care of two nurses - Jana and Annie cast as the ever-helpful nurses. Got the straight jacket in the mail yesterday, not a high-end model. YT realized in a flash that one could spend upwards of hundreds of dollars on very nicely crafted straight jackets. This model, via eBay, will work for four to six hours of random members of the general public getting strapped in. Hopefully.

Found this quote, in most recent VF, article about RFK and his mourning his bro.
It's from Shakey-Babe, his torrid teen love tale, Romeo and Juliet:

When he shall die, take him and cut him out in little stars, and he shall make the face of heaven so fine that all the world will be in love with night and pay no worship to the garish sun.

Somehow, rather unsurprisingly, do not recall this quote from the drama.

Someone very significant to Yours Truly, who has previously been dubbed an Art/Life Mentor, has become very ill over the past several months and has been waning. Less of self, less of laughing, less of bon vivant status, and we both knew (I believe) that something was seriously askew. And it is. Now that things are officially diagnosed it's time to treat, listen, give, research, and more.

On a slightly different note/path received the used Band of Horses disc via a nice seller on Amazon. Band of Horses was a recurrent band on Pandora and it was love at first aural gleaning, they along the high poetical lines of Galaxie 500, best REM early songs heard first in a Tokyo flat, best Mazzy Star beseechings, and Tim Buckley haunting.

Haunted Love.