Not to get like totally technical on You but there Yours Truly was, sowing seeds, watering seeds, and inspecting where seedlings should be gestating and appearing.
Nearly thought I was looking at etiolated crabgrass, if ever there could be a thing.
But, no.
This is the Japanese ornamental corn that I planted.
Yes, it is late.
But YT has an unending worklife and seeds need to be planted when there is no stress in the fingertips, my lifelong garden habit.
Never plant seeds when sad, distressed, frazzled.
You'll send negative vibes into that little dark hunk of Nature waiting to happen and in lieu of growing up to the Sun, it'll shrivel into something the size of a molecule.
Also planted wild columbine, nigella, nicotiana that allegedly smells like jasmine (!yeah!), more more more hollyhocks (another lifelong fav learned to be so via my beloved aunt Nancy's garden), and love lies bleeding. And something else I'm forgetting. I also bought more delphiniums - delphinia.
Speaking of plurals ending with -ia or -a.
The next installation of the Hallwalls members's exhibition (ever a summertime affair) pays homage of sorts to the sold-off Diana/Artemis and the Stag bronze that no longer figured into the ultra-post-post-modern m.o. of Albright-Knox Art Gallery.
This year's HW members's show is entitled Future Artemi, implying that what one makes is up for future auction at some venerable arts joint who sees fit to send it off to places yet unknown.
Future Artemi is the title.
YT has an idea and fercrissakes I might just stick to it.
Back to seeds of change, ideas, Nature.
Stuck in Love.