Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Well, that can be filed under P, for pleasant and P, again, for unwarranted Paranoia.
I blog, of course, of the thesis defense, which went swimmingly this late morning after a panic of lost file on laptop, some turbo-powered coffee via Dorota, a run to subway, and a wait as the committee people straggled into the classroom/auditorium/exhibition space of Yours Truly as of tomorrow night.
Several of them (and them is Martha Burgess, Stacy Miller, JR, Anthony, chair Michelle Bogre) commented that they'd enjoyed reading the big D, and watching my presentation.
Michelle asked about Beckett refs and I said I'm glad you asked that question before trailing off on a short talk about all things Sam, the Middling City's illustrious Sam-infused past (productions by Josef Krysiak, and Federman, bien sur).
One of the commmembers commented thusly You would be a great visiting artist. To that I stated Well, ask me back.
It is over.
Now it is time to get my screen in order and get ready to hang the damned thing and get the digvid up and running and then clear much of the classroom accoutrements out of that room.
I think the fly has left that room, thankfully.
Time to keep working on art installation prepping and hear more tales about the post-D states of my classmates.

Post-D Love.

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