Thursday, July 15, 2004

Was it the grappa or was Justy sooth saying that he'd get a gig for my laptop band, Knife Call, on a double header of a bill with his own not blunt but sharply -named band, Knife Fight. For the musical record: I told him my band's name well before his quote unquote Knife Fight was a twittering blink in any guitar monger's eye. I rest my pickless feckless case.
Amongst other things learned today was this: Stuyvesant built a wall to keep out pesky native people and hence that's where Wall Street got its name.
I also learned that the depths of some people's pedantic tendencies is fathomless, striking an ire-inducing chord of sorts in Yours Truly. Talked to JR aobut this, during our Perfect Art meet-up this fine evening. A seminar, in my mind, should be an open-ended conversation, one in which relevant ideas are tossed about and adding to a collage of thought - as opposed to the I'm giving correct answers at the teacher methodology.
Discovered that pineapple lilies are what grows in Kennedy's garden's northeastern quadrant, via thrilling gardening mag appropriated from that knee jerk reaction doctor's office.
Had a horrid fright as I crutched along to the 6 Train. Thought, out of corner of one eye, the left, same side as bum knee, that my X was approaching and my instinct was to run in opposite direction. It was a mournful stranger, giving a hairy eyeball to a homeless wanderer.
Art art and more art.
And Love.
And Joyeux Bastille Day, belatedly. Bastille Day signifies the ancient pagan festival of towers where both the insane and political prisoners were mercilessly kept, beaten and released and, annually, they were made to run alongside a troupe of bulls who could, at a moment's notice, gore them and/or ungainly tourists. In celebration of Bastille Day the French have been known to put plastic babies in "King Cakes" and to toss handfuls of red pigment at their foreheads. Holidays, as it is known, is a delightful mishmash of myth, reality and practicality.

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