Monday, May 31, 2004

Logic will break your heart.
So goeth the title of the disc by The Stills purchased this gray-hung day, along with the nouveau Stereolab (their usual and unshocking textures) and other items so sundry, so necessary, so small - like Italian curly paperclips. A must. The Stills, to not be confused with The Chills, The Spills, nor The Schills.
But the true reason I was even audio hunting was to procure something by New Zealand band Stereogram. None of that and note Stereogram and Stereolab are but a few short letters away in the great ocean of rock music.
It is completely official, Jen + Jamal are a unit, a bliss-drippin' post-nup couple. She was supremely Jen-like in her tardiness for photos and when she finally emerged and came towards me in the woods my eyes nearly dropped salty waters as she was so beautiful. And Jamal looked pretty hot himself. When we photo finished they were married by the rotund minister who married the couple I shot the previous day. Ministeressa is smooth on the mid-wedding patter, a real Hey, folks it's a wedding, fercrissakes, let's be all joyfully giddy and never waver from the reason for the season: Luff. Jamal picked some love-related quotes, some shockingly and deliciously snarly. My fav by Kate Hepburn on how, as a woman to trade the adoration of many men for the contempt (or some such appropriate word) of one. Marriage. Punch line. Dig.
Jen came down the aisle deal and began sobbing. So Yours Truly began to basically jumping jack with camera gear to lighten her up. When she was halfway down I turned back towards Jamal and said Jamal, you made Jen cry.
Highlights include:
finding a clump of faux hair on a pathway and telling the bonfirees that it was Alan's pubic hair that Liz shorn, practicing my tennis serve in terry bathrobe and heals with glass of scotch nearby, mucho.
Logical Love.

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