Sunday, May 02, 2004

Forcrapsakes. Could this Parsons School of Law research paper please be fucking over already. Cheese & Crax, it was really swell getting turned on to Larry Lessig and all (and now I hear the deafening chortles of JW,Esq. coming from the west) but I mean really. So I decide to write about the music industry and P2P stuff and music © and such. It is interesting. It is info I'll spout out at cocktail parties, whenever the occasion rises. And, after these measly 3 credits for $6K you can bet your Intellectual Properties I'll find a shitload of occasions to bust out fun facts of fair use, the four factors to determine such, odd assortments of caselaw and the Copy Left treatises.
Suddenly, oh, about half an hour ago, it became URGENT to listen to Dark Side of the Moon, the disc that changed the life of Yours Truly at the tender-headed age of ten, the year of its appearance on the sonic landscape with the band's electronic fiddlings and poetic ramblings that still, in my non-humble estimation, carries forth in ageless beauty. Now there's some post-AOL/ well-honed verbage for You.
Last night wished a Bon Voyage to Paul Deck who is departing the Middling City for points beyond, at the wise/clueless age of twenty-two.
Drive Fast, Take Chances = Travelers' Perfect Send-Off.
Decided that the Parsons School of Art/Law thesis must include some rock lyrics, including "Ooh Child." And it make no never mind whose version.
Someday we'll get it together and we'll get it undone.
Someday when the world is much brighter.
Someday we'll walk in the rays of a beautiful sun.
Someday when the world is much lighter.

Someday Love.

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