Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Tonight is the secret (now, as I post this, not oso secret) 30th birthdate feting of Doug, tallest member of Janet Reno Fan Club.
Tonight is the night I showed JR the newest and latest digvid, Messenger Hand, a dark short video taking Bill Viola's The Messenger submerging and re-emerging as a good oldfashioned leap/rip-off.
Meandered to the village (really, to be in fashion the v should be a big one) with Beth and Phillip first for a foray at Caffe Reggio, the perennial favored dark place in NYC of Yours Truly and then to the Diane Arbus show at NYU.

1. Doug is older, therefore so am I.
2. If you are going to rip someone off, Bill Viola's work is a grand place to start.
3. JR is smart, unpretentious and knows how to pry my sometimes clinging thoughts out of my mouth.
4. Diane Arbus, I clearly witnessed/experienced, had some awkward moments interacting with her subjects, visible in her at moments painful contact sheets exhibited at NYU. I said to Beth: She makes me feel like a complete and utter portraiture champ. She might be more famed and feted but I believe that I rock harder.

And so on that big big note I end.
Off to a night of digvid editing.
Processional Love.

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