Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Some things just never do change. Like Michael Jackson needing, reaching for little body parts, like be-smirked Bush pretending to have read famous thinkers and Yours Truly procrastinating the beginning of digitally editing & enhancing her work of art. Amongst others in the computer lab last night saw Martha the Brilliant, the PSD instructress, who had heard, via classmate Lori, that I am making a video. Yes, making, I'm thinking... but finishing is another distant story. She asked if I will be showing this work for the grad open house and I sort of warbled out a Yes. Even going so far as to describe how it would not be the unabridged 50 or so minutes but perhaps a much-truncated 5 minutes... or so.
Saw Christy yesterday and meandered over to a show by her pal Joyce Kozloff. Was going to link You to a JK site but, interestingly (artistically) enough, there are none.
Off to pilates, off to Parsons, off to points beyond before my Middling City return.
Love of Travel.

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