Wednesday, October 22, 2003

One of Yours Truly's dabblings (dalliances) is saintly historical fact or lack thereof, the miraculous administrative process of beatification and the life and high times of soon-to-be-saint-to-you Father Nelson Baker of Lackawanna-based Baker Hall/Orphanage fame.
So imagine my piqued curiosity and Catholic-induced intrigue when Mother Teresa of India is in the Express Lane to sainthood. The Pope, as I've always said, is No Dope. About to leave this un-astral plane he's shoved his bud to the front of the line. And yesterday elevated several cardinals to boot.
Imagine my glee upon reading VF contributor Christopher Hitchens's piece in one of today's Slate posts. If you have a desire link
here maintenant.
This story digs deep and reveals her unmatronly duplicity.
Amongst the piece is an excerpt from her 1979 (hooray at the Memory of Jim Carter, decidedly un-hip, cause-ridden U.S. prez) Nobel Prize acceptance speech in which she states I feel the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a direct war, a direct killing - direct murder by the mother herself.
As I listen to John Lennon, amongst others, on cd shuffle, and among the music Imagine popped up moments ago I find Teresa to be (one of my favored words of late) just so wrongheaded.
I rest my rightheaded, really not righteous, case.
Libra Love.

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