Tuesday, September 23, 2003

But I don't want to wait until 2005 to see the Diane Arbus retrospective.
I was thinking of canceling American Photo until I got past the usual titshots to read about the Arbus show as well as the technical (painters take note: photographers talk about technical matters... f-stops, films, papers, contraptions. why? because we fucking rock, that's why) (oh, but painters are okay, too) notations about several shots. What other feature do I dig? The one where they have a famed photog empty out their bag and list everything. From Sharpies, to mints, to lenses to fuzzballs at the bottom. I finally ditched Rolling Stone. Who needs RS when one gets Spin and Alternative Press and can breeze through RS in about 15 minutes at a newstand.
Today has been a day of interesting emails, let me tell you. Just like a photo bag, all diverse and interesting: all-femme Qi-Gong classes, Olympic-style bragging by a Middling City megalomaniac, acknowledgement and thanks from someone who received his packet in one day (one day!) via US Postal Service, and a few more.
Off to make and do and venture forth to sink into grad student matters.

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