Tuesday, June 17, 2003

Had a hit & run meeting at the paper on using iPhoto, a consumer piece of software created for grandmothers to email jpegs of grandkids to family members far and wide. Tried to tell publisher that both PhotoShop AND the software I use to turn jpegs into the magical tiffs all beautiful - PhotoStation - have caption writing capabilities.
At the sort-of stag for Mike Groll, getting married on Friday, I met a person who is a techie for the Dallas daily, John Herrick, who switched from shooting to computer nerding. Told him of the iPhoto situation and his response was... I don't think it's ROBUST enough for archiving for a whole newspaper. Alas. So my iBook and iMac have to both be restored and have OSX installed with OSX PhotoShop and sundry other items. Fun? No fucking way. Well then with OSX my iPod will be more than a neat little paperweight... at least.
Johnny Depp turned up in Random Notes in RS (which, btw, I still don't want to get yet they keep sending it here) looking really awful. And they compared him to Keith Richards, saying his pirate role in some upcoming celluloid disaster has him in bandanna, braids - hence the Keith ref.
Johnny, please call, you need my help to get you back on the Shining Path of Beauty.
Off to deadines far and wide with a song in my heart.
Note to self: you need more practice to perfect the Bach-harmonica project you're working on.

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